Archive | January, 2011

Taco Bell takes its beef with lawsuit to public

29 Jan

Last week a false advertising lawsuit was filed against Taco Bell alleging that Taco Bell’s filling contains less than 33% beef. Friday, Taco Bell fought back with at least 9 full page ads in major newspapers and a video from the company’s president addressing the lawsuit.

The headline of the ads read “Thank you for suing us. Here’s the truth about our seasoned beef,” and went on to explain the filling is 88% beef and the rest is seasoning and common additives.

The ad is seen as an unusual move, and sends the message that Taco Bell is confident in the facts. And it is anticipated that customers will not be deterred by the lawsuit.;_ylt=AurgFiTd_9TYT7c7C8Io822s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNvdmc5Y2toBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMTI5L3VzX3RhY29fYmVsbF9sYXdzdWl0BGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNwRwb3MDNARwdANob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX2hlYWRsaW5lX2xpc3QEc2xrA3RhY29iZWxsdGFrZQ–

Tear gas thrown at Egyptian protest

28 Jan

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s 23-year rule has come to an end and anti- government protestors in Cairo joined together in the name of anti-government. Some Egyptians even set themselves on fire. This uprising was sparked by the Tunisian government.

Attorneys question whether what Taco Bell calls ‘beef’ is actually beef

28 Jan

Taco Bell is under fire for it’s meat, again. The restaurant claims it’s meat is made from USDA-inspected beef, 100% meaty goodness.
“Rather than beef, these food items are actually made with a substance known as ‘taco meat filling,’ “according to Beasley Allen, the Alabama-based law firm investigating the meaty claims.

Nevada councilwoman found dead faced possible sanctions

28 Jan

Nevada City Councilwoman Donna Fairchild and her husband, Bill, were found dead in their home Jan. 25. Fairchild faced possible sanctions over a travel expense voucher.

The city council was scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the repercussions of her actions but hours before the meeting began, Fairchild and her husband were found dead. Autopsies have yet to be done but police confirmed the presence of a note and a 9 mm handgun at the scene.

Recent grads finding jobs – in their living rooms

28 Jan

The mid-twenties crowd is redefining the work experience.  Working from home in telecommuting is up 400% in the last three years according to

Telecommuting is the idea that an individual can work from any location they choose utilizing their cell phone, lap top and other mobile devices.

5-year old boy drops loaded gun in Pre-K class

28 Jan

A 5-year-old Florida boy had a loaded handgun fall out of his pocket during a pre-kindergarten class. The fire arm did not go off and nobody was harmed. Florida Police want to know how the young child got possession of the weapon. The boy told authorities that he found the gun in the vehicle he was brought to school in, which the assistant police chief said belonged to the child’s step father. The child has been suspended from school pending further investigation.

Biden Aide Jay Carney to Replace Robert Gibbs as White House Press Secretary

28 Jan

 White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs will be replaced by former Time Magazine reporter Jay Carney. Carney has been Vice President Biden’s communications director and is said to “have hit it out of the park” during his interview. Biden pushed for Carney for various reasons including his close ties to many journalists in Washington. Other canidates included Karen Finney, political analyst on MSNBC and Doug Hattaway former press aide to Hillary Clinton. President Obama is said to continue making other staff changes as necessary.

Rangers magical season honored at State Capitol

28 Jan

The Texas Rangers captured the hearts of Texans everywhere as they made it to the grand stage of the World Series for the first time in their history.  Lawmakers at the State Capitol in Austin in both the House and Senate chambers honored the organization for their memorable season that ended just shy of a World Series victory.  Nolan Ryan, Owner Chuck Greenberg and Manager Ron Washington were at the capitol to receive this recognition.

Egyptians Riot in Major Cities Demanding End to Mubarak Presidency

28 Jan

People in the cities of Cairo, Suez and Alexandria were greeted with guns, riot police and tanks when they took the streets demanding an end to the 30-year presidency of Hosni Mubarak.

Friday’s protests were the bloodiest during the four consecutive days. Check out Al Jazeera English’s coverage of the demonstrations, including video.

Meeting on lead pollution brings more questions than answers

24 Jan

Exide Technology Inc., a battery recycling company, has not been meeting the federal air quality regulations for lead. With levels severely high, Frisco community members are anxious to know why the lead plant hasn’t already been shut down.